Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentines.. Eve?

Today is February 13th and it's 10:19 am. Last night, my step-dad Craig got all drunk (Like always) and started fighting with my little brother. I was in my bedroom watching the Lion King and trying to put my sister to sleep, so I stayed in there and didn't get involved. Then my mom walked out there and tried to dissipate the fight, and he begun fighting with her too. He then took his car and my dog (wtf) and drove to his friends house... drunk. Mind you, he's had 2 DUI's in the past and JUST LAST MONTH got his breathalizer thing removed from his car. So in other words, he's a freakin dumbass. That is when my mom came into my room and asked to borrow my car so she could drive down there. (The transmission is down in her car, and has been for months now). So she left and got him. He immediately walks in and starts screaming at my little brother, whose just watching tv. I can't stand it so I go out there and say, "Hey Nick, come here, I have to show you something." Because I wanted to get him away from my stepdad. I bring him in my room and after a few minutes of my mom and stepdad fighting, I tell Nick to go to his room and stay in there. I go lay back down in bed and just listen... they're out on the back porch and I can hear them perfectly. Things in my life have been going so fantastic lately that I didn't want to go out there and mess with the situation. But.... I kept getting this flash... this flash of Craig taking my baby sister Hope and driving with her in the car, drunk. And my mom not being able to stop him... at that thought, I was in tears. So I stood up and let it begin.

I walked out into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I saw a 6 pack of beer with 3 left in the thing. I pick them up and open the sliding door; I cut in and start yelling, "Craig! Look at this! *points to beer* THIS is what is making you like this! This is what is making you treat my mom and brother like crap!" So then, on impulse I take the beers and start throwing them at the cement right by us at the bottom of the stairs and beer splattered all over me but I didn't care. My mom kept telling me to stop but I couldn't... I couldn't let him talk to my family .. MY BLOOD like that. What if my sister had been awake? And had been in the middle of it? I could not have imagined what I would have done.. So he started throwing insults back at me like, "You're the most selfish girl I know" and "You don't care about anything besides you" etc. Which is probably going to stick with me for a long time because those are things I've been working on for the past couple of months. I can honestly sit here and say that I disagree. No, I may not treat my mom the way I should all the time but at least I don't get drunk every night and call her names! And at least I find passion within something in my life besides ALCOHOL!!!! Anyway, so we were yelling back at forth and he said something, I forgot what it was, but it just triggered this emotion in me... and I punched Craig. I started slapping him and pushing him and punching him in the face. He fell over his chair (Because he's a dumbass) and just kept throwing the same exact insults back at me over and over. I'm actually surprised the cops didn't come. I wish they would have. But then after some more fighting, he finally left. I hugged my mom and tried to comfort her and tell her kind words but it was so bad. Two days before Valentines day and this happens... of course, it's so like Craig. He's a jerk and doesn't deserve to live with us especially considering he brings home ZERO income and just uses all the hard-earned money from my mother to buy alcohol and cigarettes! URGH!

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